
Should Children Be Included in the Funeral?

As much as possible, parents want to shield their children from the harsh realities of life. Thus, when someone close to the family dies, you may be faced with the difficult decision of whether to let your children participate or miss out on the funeral and memorial services Read more

Am I Allowed to Use My Cellphone at a Funeral?

We are all familiar with this awkward moment. Just imagine someone’s mobile phone ringing loudly and incessantly during a serious and solemn moment. As the person scrambles to mute the phone, you also feel that strong urge to double-check if your own gadget is on silent mode. In most scenarios, a random phone call or message ping is not really a big deal. You may get glares from others when it happens in the cinema or theater. But you could easily brush it off and give a verbal or non-verbal apology. However, when this happens during the funeral services or memorial reception, it can be downright rude and off-putting because it shows your lack of concern and consideration.  Read more

Why is a Will Important for Pre-Planning?

When people die, their family is responsible for settling the estate. If you have certain wishes you want to be upheld upon your demise, it is vital to execute a will. However, most people push off writing a will because it’s as if you’re courting death, and accepting your departure in this ephemeral world is imminent. Bear in mind, drafting a will is part of funeral pre-planning and is beneficial because it protects your family and all your assets. Read more

How can reading self-help books help you cope with grief?

No one can ever deny the power that rests in the written word. Since the proliferation of pictorial language and the invention of paper, books have captured the minds and hearts of everyone, young and old alike. Today, books still help you understand concepts and learn new ideas.  Read more

Why is it important to have an estate lawyer and how to find a good one?

Now that 2022 is here, it is the perfect time to evaluate your goals and plans for the future. Allow positive new year vibes to inspire you to take stock of your life. After all, putting your affairs in order accords the most peace of mind. If you have a family who relies on you, you may be thinking of preparing your will to discuss the possible distribution of assets, along with your preferred funeral services so they have nothing to worry about.   Read more